
Cumberland Stream Team Data Meeting

Volunteers from ALLARM’s Cumberland Stream Team, who are sampling 20 sites throughout Cumberland County, PA, met on February 18 at Dickinson College to check in and learn how to upload their data into the Chesapeake Data Explorer. Volunteers also submitted their second quality control samples, which ALLARM staff tested and confirmed that all participants passed the QC check! It was great to hear team updates on monitoring and their sites over the past six months, and compare tips learned from across the Stream Team program. Volunteers were introduced to the Data Explorer and worked with their teams to create an account and start uploading their data. Everyone was excited to see their data building over time and that their information is now accessible from the map. Thank you to our Cumberland Stream Teams!

Above: Cumberland Stream Team volunteers upload their monitoring data into the Chesapeake Data Explorer. Helen Schlimm for CMC 2020