Maryland’s Department of the Environment (MDE) released their 2024 Integrated Report back in September and utilized more participatory science data than ever before! The report window assessed data from 2017-2021 and included data from volunteer-based monitoring groups within the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative’s (CMC) network. MDE used assessments from the Chesapeake Bay Program interpolator, which included tidal data from CMC Tier 3 groups. Groups included: Blue Water Baltimore, Nanticoke Watershed Alliance, Arundel Rivers Federation, and Maryland Department of the Environment Shellfish programs.
For the 2024 report, MDE used dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity data (measured with a colorimeter) pulled directly from the CMC Data Explorer. For the first time, MDE assessed all Tier 2 non-tidal data with applicable water quality standards, using most of it for Category 3 determinations. Category 3 is used when there is not enough data or information to confidently assess a waterbody as impaired (Category 5) or meeting its uses and standards (Category 2). Many of these data points indicated they are meeting water quality standards. This provides a valuable baseline for MDE to use in future reports.
For more information about how your data was used see Appendix A of the IR report or email Becky Monahan at
Thank you to all the volunteer and participatory science groups out there collecting robust datasets. We truly appreciate your hard work!