
CMC Data Explorer Updates

The CMC team is excited to announce some updates to the CMC Data Explorer. We recently updated the problem and qualifier codes in order to better reflect data quality issues represented in the Data Explorer. If your group uses problem codes either through the data upload form or bulk upload process, please review the new […]


2023 Prioritization Report

2023 Prioritization Report: Progress and Future Directions for the CMC Summary of Achievements: The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC), in collaboration with water monitoring organizations, has effectively filled key data gaps in the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) monitoring network and State Integrated Reports. This collaborative effort has led to the integration of 5 water organizations collecting […]


Farewell to Stephanie Letourneau: A Pillar of ALLARM and CMC

Celebrating Stephanie’s Impact and Looking Ahead to Her Future in Marine Science Last month, we bid a heartfelt goodbye to Stephanie Letourneau, the driving force behind ALLARM’s Community Science Manager role and an invaluable member of the CMC team. For nearly three years, Stephanie has played a crucial part in coordinating ALLARM’s Stream Team program. […]


The Havre de Grace Maritime Museum Joins the CMC

A Fresh Wave of Monitoring Efforts: How the Museum’s Environmental Center Will Contribute to Understanding and Protecting the Chesapeake Bay We are thrilled to announce that the Havre de Grace Maritime Museum has joined the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) as a new monitoring partner! Located where the Susquehanna River flows into the Chesapeake Bay, the […]


Elevating Community Science Around Annapolis

Elevating Community Science: Arundel Rivers Federation and Anne Arundel Community College Join CMC’s Tier 3 Monitoring Groups Arundel Rivers Federation This year marks a significant milestone for the Arundel Rivers Federation (ARF) as it joins the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative’s (CMC) Tier 3 monitoring groups. This certification represents the highest level of data quality certified by […]


13th National Monitoring Conference Highlights

The CMC Takes the Stage at the 13th National Monitoring Conference The 13th National Monitoring Conference, held in Virginia Beach, VA from April 24-28th, was a significant opportunity for the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) to participate in one of the premiere water monitoring conferences. Peter Tango, the Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Coordinator for the Chesapeake Bay […]


Partner Spotlight: Otsego County Conservation Association

Otsego County Conservation Association Continues Water Quality Monitoring in Chesapeake Bay Headwaters The Otsego County Conservation Association (OCCA) launched its Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring Program in 2018 with the technical assistance of Dickinson College’s Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM). As the first county-wide stream monitoring initiative conducted by community scientists in Otsego County, […]


CUAHSI Webinar Series

CUAHSI Webinar Series – Integrating Citizen Science and Water Resource Work The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science Inc. (CUAHSI), sponsored by the National Science Foundation is hosting an ongoing webinar series. The webinars will cover logistics and organizational requirements to manage successful citizen science projects, methods-focused sessions to share best practices […]


Community Monitoring Spotlight

Over 20 years of monitoring in Centre County, PA The Centre County Pennsylvania Senior Environmental Corps at ClearWater Conservancy (CCPaSEC) began monitoring streams in April 2002. The group had support from the Centre County Conservation District. Additionally, they partnered with numerous organizations including, watershed associations, and academic institutions. CCPaSEC volunteer scientist teams have monitored a […]


Save Our Streams 2022 Review

Save Our Streams: 2022 Spotlight The Izaak Walton League’s Virginia Save Our Streams (VASOS) program wants to take a moment to reflect on the incredible progress made in 2022 monitoring waterways in Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay region. This year, VASOS welcomed 168 new monitors to the team, who joined to support the mission to […]